I never knew that bunnies could have oranges, albeit in small amounts, but I knew that I wanted Arlo to try a bite!
I took an orange from the kitchen and he came bounding through when I called his name...
*Hop hop hop*
"Hi Mum!"
*Jumps on the bed*
I held out his orange and he takes the littlest bite first... he couldn't quite get though to the juicy bit past the rind!
Second time lucky though, bigger bite and got to the heart of the orange! You could tell he was obsessed! I think he was having an orange juice high!
He stole the whole orange out of my hand for a third bite 😂 I had to grab it back to make sure he didn't eat the whole thing! (which I'm sure he would have!)
The aftermath was so funny! He couldn't get over how juicy the orange had made him feel so his tongue was flicking back and forth more than it keep up with! He gave himself a wash afterwards too, still keeping that tongue moving! It was worth it to see his happy little face 🍊❤️
And that's the story of his first orange 🍊